0,00 €

Turkish Delight

Bademli Atom Cezerye 300g
Bademli Atom Cezerye 300g
10,50 €12,60 €

incl. tax

Kakaolu Sarma Lokum 500g
Kakaolu Sarma Lokum 500g
8,40 €10,50 €

incl. tax

Antep Fıstıklı Sultan Lokum 500gAntep Fıstıklı Sultan Lokum 500g
Antep Fıstıklı Sultan Lokum 500g
10,50 €12,60 €

incl. tax

Antep Fıstıklı Yaprak Cezerye 500g
Antep Fıstıklı Yaprak Cezerye 500g
13,10 €15,70 €

incl. tax

Toz Antep Fıstığı Kaplı Sarma Lokum 500g
Turkish Delight with pomegranate, pistachios and chocolate 500g
Turkish sweets with pomegranate flavor 500g
Turkish Delight Lokum with brownie and hazelnut 500gTurkish Delight Lokum with brownie and hazelnut 500g
Sliced Jelly 500g
Sliced Jelly 500g
8,40 €10,50 €

incl. tax

Turkish Delight Finger Lokum with pistachios 500g
Turkish delight 500g
Turkish delight 500g
8,40 €10,50 €

incl. tax

Turkish sweets with rose flavor 500gTurkish sweets with rose flavor 500g
Turkish sweets with rose flavor 500g
8,40 €10,50 €

incl. tax

Turkish Delight with Coconut and Pistachios 500gTurkish Delight with Coconut and Pistachios 500g
Turkish Sweet with Fruit Flavors 500g
Turkish Sweet with Fruit Flavors 500g
8,40 €10,50 €

incl. tax

Turkish Delight Baklava Lokum with pistachios and Kadayif 300g
Turkish Delight Baklava Lokum with pistachios and chocolate 300g
Turkish Delight with Mastix Aroma 500g
Turkish Delight with Mastix Aroma 500g
8,40 €10,50 €

incl. tax

Turkish Delight Kadayif with pistachios 500g
Turkish Delight with mulberries and pistachios 500gTurkish Delight with mulberries and pistachios 500g
Turkish Delight with Pistachios 500g
Turkish Delight with Pistachios 500g
10,50 €12,60 €

incl. tax


Turkish Delight

Lokum also has an important cultural motif as a type of Turkish delight. Lokum can be eaten on holidays, special days, ceremonies, or with Turkish coffee after Ramadan.


The history of Turkish delight goes back to ancient times. Abhisa is a dessert that was eaten by the Sassanids, who ruled Iran between 226 and 652 years before the Christian era. It is estimated that Abhisa is under the Turkish delight.


Fresh Turkish Delight varieties in Europe

Every region in Turkey has its flavor. Varieties of Turkish delight that appeal to different tastes:


Hazelnut lokum, Walnut lokum, peanut butter lokum, lemon lokum, mint lokum, pomegranate lokum, saffron lokum, chocolate lokum, chocolate lokum and there are so many varieties of joy we can't count.


The nutritional value varies depending on the material used and the type of lokum. The nutritional values of real Turkish delight should be as follows.


100 grams of lokum contains 0.23 grams of protein, 0.19 grams of fat, 89.25 grams of carbohydrates, 19 mg of potassium, 5 mg of calcium, and 1 mg of iron.


How is Turkish Delight made?

Lokum used to be made by adding honey, fruit syrup, and flour. Starch and refined sugar have found their way into the kitchen and the taste of Turkish delight has changed. Different types of Turkish delight are produced.


Turkish Delight is made by mixing sugar, starch, food coloring, citric acid, and flavoring. The preparation of Turkish delights requires mastery and skill.


- First, add it to hot water until the sugar dissolves.

- Wait until the citric acid and starch have dissolved in another container.

- Mix the mixture of citric acid with starch and sugar water and knead for a while.

- The cooking time and consistency of the mixture are in the hands of the master.

- The liquid mixture is poured into iron containers.

- In the final step, Turkish delights are formed and packaged.


Turkish Delight types

Every dessert has a serving style. Like other desserts eaten on special occasions, Turkish Delight is served with a handkerchief or on holidays with Turkish coffee as a fresh quality Turkish delight. On Muslim nights, Turkish delight is distributed to the congregation after the commemoration ceremony. The varieties produced today are as follows: Lokum with Hazelnut, Lokum with Hard Consistency, Lokum with Birds, Lokum with Walnuts, Lokum with Peanut Butter, Lokum with Lemon, Mint Delight, Pomegranate Delight, Saffron Delight, Chocolate Delight, Coconut Delight.


Turkish Delight Shop in Germany

It is a highly demanded food in Germany, for Turkish delight buy. It can be said that people living in Germany can easily consume these delicious lokum varieties. Therefore, buy Turkish Delight.


Gift packages with Turkish delight

With gift pleasure packages, you can send delicacies to your loved ones and sweeten their mouths. To buy Turkish Delight, you can place your order immediately and view prices for Turkish delights.