0,00 €


Chebulische Myrobalane (Kara Halile) 150g Chebulische Myrobalane (Kara Halile) 150g
Sieben Gewürze Mischung 200g
Sieben Gewürze Mischung 200g
7,30 €9,40 €

incl. tax

Nelken ganz - Gewürznelken 100g
Nelken ganz - Gewürznelken 100g
7,30 €9,40 €

incl. tax

Kau-Weihrauch Luban (Sandaloz Sakızı) 100g
Echter Alant 50g
Echter Alant 50g
4,20 €

incl. tax

Flohsamen (Karnıyarık Otu) 200gFlohsamen (Karnıyarık Otu) 200g
Flohsamen (Karnıyarık Otu) 200g
7,30 €8,40 €

incl. tax

Pine Nuts for Stuffing and Rice 100gPine Nuts for Stuffing and Rice 100g
Pine Nuts for Stuffing and Rice 100g
8,40 €10,50 €

incl. tax

Weihrauchgummi Olibanum Resin (White Gum) 100g
Buckthorn Kernel Powder 100g
Buckthorn Kernel Powder 100g
3,70 €5,20 €

incl. tax

Dried ginger whole 80gDried ginger whole 80g
Dried ginger whole 80g
3,70 €

incl. tax

Ginger powder 200g
Ginger powder 200g
4,20 €

incl. tax

Flaxseed 200g
Flaxseed 200g
3,70 €4,20 €

incl. tax

Okra Seed 200g
Okra Seed 200g
5,20 €6,30 €

incl. tax

Et Köfte Baharatı 180g
Et Köfte Baharatı 180g
5,20 €6,30 €

incl. tax

Cocoa powder 200g
Cocoa powder 200g
5,20 €6,30 €

incl. tax

Açlık Otu 30g
Açlık Otu 30g
4,20 €5,20 €

incl. tax

Antep Silk Paprikaflocken 200g - Hot
Antep Silk Paprikaflocken 200g - Hot
4,20 €5,20 €

incl. tax

Antep Silk Paprikaflocken 200g - Sweet
Cinnamon sticks 60g
Cinnamon sticks 60g
5,20 €6,30 €

incl. tax

Grated coconut 100gGrated coconut 100g
Grated coconut 100g
3,10 €

incl. tax


Spice Types

Spices that give flavor to meals and healing to the body are an indispensable part of every kitchen. Natural spice varieties are very useful as they consist of herbal ingredients. They have been on kitchen shelves for thousands of years and can be used differently in different cultures. Spices used for aroma and color have an important place in medicine as they are completely organic. Öz Natur, on the other hand, safely delivers the best spices for meals to kitchens.

Most Used Spices

Although it varies from culture to culture, many spices are usually found in the kitchen at the same time. The most commonly used spices are black pepper, paprika, thyme, cinnamon, cumin, and turmeric. However, there are spices that, although little known, are very tasty and healthy. They can be used not only in cooking but also in cleaning.

Some of the spices are sufficient when used alone. However, some spices, such as meat and meatball seasoning, contain several types of spices at the same time. Öz Natur meat and meatball seasoning contains cumin, coriander, paprika, thyme, black pepper, onion and garlic powder, allspice and cinnamon. Mixing the spices obtained from nature in the appropriate ratio helps meat and meatballs to become the most delicious.

There are many types of spices such as flaxseed, okra seed, starvation herb, and spindle seed herb. These spices are preferred for snacks rather than meals. They are mostly consumed mixed with milk and yogurt. In addition, when black cumin, hunger herb, and black peppercorns are boiled in water and drunk, they protect the body from many diseases. These handmade spices are also very useful for those who want to lose weight.

Spices, whose naturalness is preserved at every stage from production to consumption, help to reduce many health problems. Since their colors and tastes are natural, they contribute to the most delicious meals. Thanks to good agricultural and organic practices, Öz Natur spices, which are not exposed to any chemicals even in plant form, can now take place on every table.

Why Use Spices?

Using spices does not only make food more flavorful, thicker, and visually better. There are also many health benefits of using spices. Many spices help strengthen the immune system thanks to the antioxidants and vitamins in them. It provides the natural elimination of problems in the digestive system. It is also effective in healing wounds in the body faster and removing inflammation.

Some spice varieties have natural protective properties. Thanks to the special components it contains, it helps to extend the shelf life of some foods. It makes products such as meat and chicken softer and more flavorful. Moreover, it helps to prepare quality meals without using oil and salt. In this way, it meets the wishes of people who have goals such as losing or gaining weight, balancing blood values, and reducing cholesterol and insulin resistance.


Natural Spices

The more natural the spices in the kitchen, the more flavorful the dishes are. The color, smell, consistency, and brightness of the dishes become much better thanks to quality spices. However, spices containing aromatic chemicals make it difficult to achieve the desired taste in meals. In addition, their chemical content prepares the ground for the development of many diseases in the body.

Öz Natur prefers natural methods at every stage from production to packaging. Since it has natural spices on its shelves, it meets the need for natural spices in the kitchen.

Spices prepared with natural methods can be consumed safely thanks to Öz Natur. While filling the deficiencies of the meals, it also protects the flavor and health. Each spice is dried, ground, and packaged to preserve its nutritional value. Since they are stored under the right conditions, the spices can't become stale, discolored, or lose their smell. Because each seed is taken care of, kitchens can reach the value they deserve.

Buy Spices

Öz Natur has many spices that are widely used and hard to find. Thanks to its wide range of spices, it enables everyone to reach the product they need from the right address. You can create an order in seconds through our website. Moreover, it shows the same care in all small or large orders and ensures that the products are delivered to homes with assurance.

Öz Natur, which has very high customer satisfaction, is the right address for spices specific to Turkish culture in Germany. Whether Turks or other nationalities can access the most natural spice varieties through Öz Natur.

Öz Natur has a user-friendly website. Moreover, thanks to special discounts and campaigns online, it is possible to buy many products at the same time and pay less. Öz Natur, which is the indispensable address of those who care about their health and taste, provides easy access to many desired spices. Öz Natur is the right address to leave a lasting impression in the mouths of your guests and to offer a second plate to those at home.